marți, 21 august 2012

Deschidere ManyFest

La vârsta la care alţi copii merg la şcoală, ManyFest merge la Operă. Sala Teatrului Naţional şi a Operei devine locul de întalnire al celor două creaţii AT4T. Ne-am bucurat şi ne-am mândrit, având în vedere că unul dintre puiuţi devine şcolar cu abecedar şi unul primeşte buletinul de oraş. Alături de ei au sărbătorit cu mare fast participanţi din toată ţara, organizatori şi traineri unul şi unul: Flavia Ţună, Mihai Marcu, Adi Bulboacă, Alin Cîrstea şi Adrian Staicu.

După ce aţi gustat o bucăţică din ceea ce a însemnat Manyfest pentru participanţii de până acum şi probabil aţi reuşit să şi descifraţi afişul nostru drag cu ajutorul proiecţiei (mulţumim Mistik), gazdele noastre, Dan Murzea şi Bogdan Untilă v-au prezentat bilingv cele două festivaluri. Pentru că pasiunea noastră pentru artă este veritabilă, cei doi nu au putut să lase improvizaţia la o parte şi ne-au oferit o traducere foarte creativă a Bibliei AT4T, invitându-ne să „ieşim din cercul nostru strâmt”. Oricât de „strâmt” sau de generos este cercul vostru de prieteni, noi sperăm să-l lărgim. Sperăm să reuşim să vă furăm  nişte aplauze, să vă oferim nişte imagini pe care să nu le uitaţi prea curând, nişte gânduri bune, să vă deschidem noi drumuri, să vă acoperim cu o plapumă de vise, să vă (re)îndrăgostiţi şi să vă puneţi în pielea altora. Vă invităm să vă deschideţi spre împrumut pentru aceste 9 zile şi, deşi nu dorim să vă schimbăm în ceva nou, vă propunem să împrumutaţi o pereche de pantofi...sau poate doar unul...

Worker of the day :)

Worker of the day: David
Gătit la costum, aşa cum se cerea, David al nostru a fost prezent la opening pi şientru după o zi în care şi-a îndeplinit toate sarcinile cu brio. La fel de gătit a venit şi să respire câteva secunde la party şi apoi şi-a luat zborul, responsabil, către permanenţă, pentru a doua oară în aceiaşi zi; a ajutat la mutarea panourilor pentru expoziţie şi a acceptat să facă toate sarcinile care i-au fost date...şi nu au fost puţine.

T4T Participants

Cheer Up was founded in 2008 when a group of teenagers decided to manifest the spirit of creativity, energy and enthusiasm through theatre. Fueled by encouragement, praise, awards and last but not least by cheering, the group was defined and mobilized to create their own drama put in scene in festivals and school events. From 2008 till now, Cheer Up has worked out the development of team spirit and the improvement of the whole theatrical activity.

Their history goes back to 1997, when, in a moment of HEAVENLY inspiration, out of the HELL of endless rehearsals there was born a theatre group that has taken part in every English theatre festival organized in Romania ever since. People know them for their original scripts, exuberant directing, and dynamic acting. They know them for the performances that are 100% percent theirs, from costumes to setting. They probably know them for their English flavoured with various accents throughout the years. They know them for the long list of awards spiced with Best Performances Prizes several times. What they would like the people to know about them is this: above all, they are a TEAM! For is it not true that all of them have Heaven and Hell inside.

Nobody’s Group was born between 1998-1999. That was a very long time ago, and it is hard to remember how it happened. It all started from the idea of giving high school students the oportunity to mix drama with a spot of fun. Throughout the years, Nobody’s Group have taken part in most of the English Drama Festivals across the country such as T4T Timisoara, Ingenious Drama Festival Bacau, Magic Fest Suceava, Viceversa Cluj and IDEO IDEIS in Alexandria, from where they returned with many prizes and nominalizations. They had fun, there were great plays and there were bad plays, but there was always much to learn out of all this too. There were love sories and changes, but in the end one thing has stayed the same: Nobody’s Group always comes back.

It’s a bit unusual to call us a theatre group because we don’t see things in that way when we say SILVER O5 .Yes, we are a group of actors who are very amateur amateurs (silver joke) , but beside all this , we are a crazy , hard – working , funny and united group which we consider as being our true unique second family , we know that we can rely on each other when needed and we we’re born to perform in order to create shows easy to remember and hard to forget. Han , Razvan , Ilo , Olar , Maca , Naravasha , Costin , Boda , Ratza (lords of epicness and awesomeness) – we we’re born as individuals and individuals we will die , but one day we will remember that we we’re part of a team – SILVER O5 .  

4 years! 4 years of proudly and enthusiastically existing as In The Spot! Our little adventure began on Tuesday, 15th January 2008 and, over the years, we managed to successfully develop, becoming the extremely close-knit group you can currently see.  As weird as it sounds, we get prouder and prouder because during this period of time we won a lot, we lost a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot, travelled a lot, played a lot, worked a lot, but most importantly, we did all these things together, evolving with every single play and every single challenge. It all started with an ideal and ended up in generations of friends and numerous achievements. We have been on a journey, which took hundreds of characters and years of hard work and commitment. We have performed in dozens of plays and won various prizes, but what is more important is the fact that we have learnt all the way, trying to give our best from generation to generation, and to each and every generation. We take great pride in being members of this group and we have fond memories of the friends we made along the road! :)

The Hooleelogans was born in fall 1997 at an English camp at Garana. Their first “creation”, “Candid Camera” is a one-act play and was written by a team of 12 pupils. In the very same day the play was written it was also recorded and played. Starting from that day, The Hooleelogans have constantly grown and evolved through passion, a lot of work and of course a dose of madness, taking on plays more complex written by renowned dramatists like Frank Wedekind ( “Spring Awakening” ),  Eugen Ionescu (“Rinocerii” – “Rhinos”), J.P. Sartre ( “ The Respectful Prostitute” ), Vasile Alecsandri (“Sanziana and Pepelea”), Matei Visiniec (“But what do we do with the cello?” ), Slawomir Mrozek (“Out at sea”) and others.

The Knockers. We have a history, not just a description. Started out of joy, passion and the wish to play, our group is over 10 years old and has taken part in most editions of IDFest and T4T. We also performed in “Mundi Ludens”, “Catharsis”, “AmFiTeatru” and “Grigore Vasiliu Birlic” festivals, and learned gradually that the most precious reward is being part of such events. Our highlights include “Under Blankets”, “The Puppeteer”, “George”, “Awfully Happy”, “Before Laces”, “My Sweet”, “Not Over Until the Fat Lady Sings”, “Intr-o zi de primavara” and “A Complete Guide to Understanding Things”. Four years ago we decided to create some magic and started organizing MagicFest. We are different, not always a team, but love theatre.

Brainstorming was founded in 2004 by a group of high-school students  and  it was  coordinated  for a while by Prof.Ilinca Buciu. Since the 8 years of activity, the style of the group was considerabily variated, the scripts being contemporary realism or totally absurd in some situations or even scripts written by the members of the group. The actual generation started in 2009 and the group participated at national and international festivals, like IDEO IDES, IDfest, Bunte Buhne(Stuttgart). Our wish is to create something apart together and have an unforgettable experience in high-school.

A.C.T. was founded in 2001,consisting only of teenagers willing to do a lot for the show. We love performing, and that`s why the old generations established the Ingenious Drama  Festival and despite the fact that each year the team is different, the spirit remains the same. One of the most important things for us is friendship, as our motto says: “United we stand divided we fall”. We are selfish but when it comes to the members of the group the selfishness disappears. Our trainers and our shows motivate us to evolve. As we gain experience, we establish higher and higher standards. Something that we surely have is team spirit, the enthusiasm and joy of being on stage!

Greetings to T4T! We are The Limelight group. Our group was founded in April 2011. The first festival we attended was Id Fest 12, and “The Blue Hour” was the first Limelight “official”project. Our second and, so far, our best project so far was “Almost, Maine” by John Cariani. Then we performed it at “Godot Café-Teatru”in Bucharest, thanks to the theatre director George Remes, and the actor Vlad Logigan who saw us at Ideo and helped us perform on that beautiful stage. Our last performance of  “Almost, Maine” was at The National Teen Festival “Florian Pitis”. These are the main events in our group so far, but we’re looking forward to new adventures!

Welcome to T4T!

This year is the 14th edition of T4T. Can you imagine that? Almost a decade and a half of love and passion for theater, bonds between people from different corners of the country, and lessons from amazing trainers and jury members, which  weren’t always about theatre. Not sure if you were eager to come to the festival or eager to leave home? I don’t know that either but I know what’s going to be special about this edition. We have a session of special workshops held by Bogdan Untilă (mime), Dragoş Muscalu (Stage conflict) and Tudor Buican (script writing). No, you can’t spend the rest of the time doing nothing because we also have workshops held by our trainers :Bogdan Untilă, Victoria Răileanu, Alexandru Mihalache, Vlad Dragomirescu, Vlad Şpilca, Dan Murzea, Andrei Merchea, Ştefan Huluba, Conrad Mericoffer, Mircea Postelnicu, Raluca Grumazescu, Sebastian Valcea, Delia Riciu and Adriana Bordeanu, people who we love even more than a jar of Nutella. Right? 

One does not simply give awards randomly so here is our beloved jury: Tudor Buican, George Ivaşcu, Donald W Jones Jr, and Radu Alexandru Nica.
We don’t always organise a 10 days festival, but when we do, we have the best jury, trainers and drama groups from the entire country...and from abroad. So, this what we wish you: enjoy ALL the days here, attend ALL the parties (AND WORKSHOPS !) and avoid ALL the penalties (fines). 
the Organisers